Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the church located?

Lamont Community is located at 14000 48th Avenue, Coopersville, Michigan 49404. We are 2 miles south of I-96 on 48th Avenue. Located near the historic village of Lamont; west of Grand Rapids, MI.

What times are the services?

We have two concurrent worship services on Sunday. At 9:30 am and 5:00 pm.

Do you have a nursery?

Nursery is available during Sunday morning and evening services for children up to age 4.

What about the children?

Children beyond nursery age attend church with their families.

Do you have Sunday School?

Yes, from 10:50 – 11:30 A.M. September thru May. Classes are Children age 3 thru 4th Grade, Junior High, High School and Adult.

Do I need to be a member to participate?

Of course not! Everyone is welcome to participate in the ministry, mission, education and friendship at Lamont Community Church.

Is the church handicap accessible?
